Lower Taxes
As a business owner, I recognize that South Carolina has the potential to become one of the greatest drivers of economic growth in the United States. We are well-positioned with highways 20, 26, 77, 85, and 95 running through our state, driving development along the corridors. We have one of the greatest port cities on the East Coast in Charleston. We have developed a system of inland ports that are driving economic development at an increased rate. We are a right-to-work state with a large, skilled labor force that is ready and willing to drive the engine of commerce. The only thing holding back South Carolina is our tax system. We need to remove the state income tax and lower the tax burden across the board for our citizens and businesses to make South Carolina the most tax-friendly state in the country. I Filed House Bills H. 5040 & H. 5044 to lower business taxes and remove the personal income tax in South Carolina.

South Carolina has made some progress on the pro-life front over the past few years, but there is so much more work to be done. The right to life is the first right mentioned in our Declaration of Independence for a reason; the right to life is the foundational building block upon which all other human rights are established. South Carolina should be leading the way on right-to-life issues, not trailing behind other states. Over the past 2 years, I Co-Sponsored & voted for the Human Life Protection Act & voted for and helped pass the Heartbeat Bill.
Protect our Border
America is in a crisis because we have failed to secure our southern border, and South Carolina is no exception. During my time in office, I fought to get work visas for illegal immigrants removed from legislation (H. 4120 Amendment 1). I also helped create the illegal immigration enforcement unit in South Carolina (H. 4120). Finally, I helped draft a resolution that South Carolina would support the efforts of Texas and other border states in the fight against illegal immigration (H. 4947).

2nd Amendment
South Carolina needs to be leading the nation on the 2nd Amendment front. Our right to keep and bear arms should not be infringed, and that includes our federal AND state governments. The 2nd amendment is one of the fundamental pillars that support our system of government – of, by, and for the people. I Co-Sponsored & voted for Constitutional Carry in the House, & fought against bad amendments from the Senate such as allowing legislators the ability to carry anywhere the public is banned from carrying (laws for thee, not for me).
Fix Our Roads
Our Legislature has been promising to fix our roads for over a decade. Promises have been made, taxes have been raised, and results have been virtually non-existent. We must fix the issues at SCDOT that have plagued our state for decades, and finally fix our roads. I filed H. 5045 to reform DOT by creating a Secretary of Transportation answerable to the Governor instead of a group of bureaucrats. I also have written a bill to ensure that state funding funnels down to all state roads, not just the interstates.

Improve Education
When it comes to education, South Carolina has consistently been at or near the bottom of the list for several decades. I married a public school teacher, and my wife shares with me the issues that she and other teachers face every single day. We need to remove admin work from our teachers and free them up to do what they do best, which is classroom instruction. We need our administrators to better support our teachers. And we need to ensure CRT and other “woke” programs are removed from our schools. In my time in office, I have voted for teacher pay increases and paid family leave for teachers (H. 4300 Sections 1, 62, 63, & 64, and H. 3908), and I helped shut down a CRT program in several of our school districts.
Fight Corruption
South Carolina has one of the most conservative voting populations in the U.S., but our legislators often act as the other side when it comes to things like kickbacks, backroom deals, quid pro quo, and other forms of corruption. I have joined with other like-minded conservative legislators in the State House to expose corruption to the light of day and remove it from our political process, particularly with regard to judicial elections. In 2024, I filed House Bill H. 5039 to keep lawyer legislators from being involved in the process of picking the judges that they argue cases in front of. I also strongly supported H. 3604 Amendment 6, which would have kept government funds from going to legislator-owned businesses in South Carolina.